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Artist's commentary
...:tradition, is it:...
"Shiiinkii~♥ Look up, a mistletoe~ You know what that means, right~?"
"Mima, what in the word-"
"You know, as the tradition goes, if two people stand under a mistletoe, they should kiss."
"What- wait M-Mima let go--!"
"It's tradition, Shinki~ As a goddess, you should respect traditions, right~♥? (that's actually a lie)"
"N-no, let go, LET GO-"
"You seem to have fun, don't you. Is it alright for a Miko to just let a goddess from another world and an evil spirit make out in front of the shrine? And to be the one to tell them to do it, even if not directly..."
"It's fine, it's fine~ As long as I don't find my sheets all wet next morning, they can do whatever they want."
"You sure take it easy, eh..."
"L-Lady Shinki...."
.....IDK. Something ridiculous I just thought up, lol. Dedicated to mewarrow, because I can ♥ *shot* Early Merry Christmas, ILU, Mew-chan~ Enjoy your sub >u>
Mima, Shinki, Hakurei Reimu, Kazami Yuka, Yumeko (Touhou Project) (c) ZUN