Artist's commentary
Minecraft: Nether Update
me?? posting in 2020? it's less likely than you think i just need a place to post this so i can link it from other parts of the internet
i check deviantart from time to time but i don't really reply to stuff much anymore. i've been super busy with uni and personal stuff that it's been hard to even have time to look at my tablet the past 9 months...also had to take math during the summer so the amount of drawing time has definitely been low haha. but idk maybe some people out there are still actively following me here! i do appreciate that. if you're still actively interested in my stuff, i post nearly exclusively on my discord nowadays (discord.gg/MPf89n6) and sometimes on instagram (@ Proxentauri). anyway i guess i should say something about the piece? it took me like 10 hours and 9 minutes which i'm fairly sure is a new record; i don't think it's ever taken me that long to draw anything before! i can't say i'm particularly happy with how the overworld came out, but i do like the nether background and i think i did a good job representing everything new that was introduced in the update. to list:
- striders
- piglins
- bastion remnant (in the distance, with the gold blocks)
- warped forest, crimson forest, soul sand valley, you can see the fog colour of the basalt delta in the distance
- netherite
- the obsidian isn't supposed to be crying obsidian but if you want to you can interpret it as such? definitely was reminded of it while drawing
the diamond equipment is also supposed to be half-transparent but im not sure how well i really executed it...feel like i should have made it super transparent or completely solid. let me know what you think! i also completely winged both armour designs
which is probably why it took forever to actually draw them haha. those leggings definitely aren't super protective but something something artistic liberty, idk. if i wanted to be super rigorous about game accuracy they'd probably also have shields hmmmmmmmMM
also there was supposed to be a wither rose in the mirrored position of the allium, but i forgot to include it and i think at this point if i added it it would overlap with the piglin and look a bit too cluttered. oh well
i guess if anybody is still following updates on my personal life, i got into the physics major at my uni and i'm hoping to apply for bio sometime next year! about to start my second year and i'll be taking particle physics (which i've been looking forward to for 3 years now) next spring, which i'm super excited for :0 quarantine life is not great, so hopefully i can be back on campus in the spring haha. how is everybody else holding up? let me know!