Artist's commentary
TF3 Bee and Swipe colours
so this is one of the new print images i will have at the Toronto Fan expo this weekend.
so this is something i wanted to do after seeing TF3
i had loads of fun working on this picture. it was really fun. the hardest thing was drawing the new bumblebee design. his chest section is a lot different then it was from the other 2 films. and after all that effort to memorize that design Wink/Razz
but i think it came out ok.
now for the colours
:O (Eek)
thats all i got. no words can describe how awesome i think the colours look
man, Josh really hit this one out of the park. it;s too awesome :D (Big Grin)
i can't thank him enough for helping me out. i know he's very busy right now.
thanks a lot man.
lineart markerguru that be me :) (Smile)
colours dyemooch he's to awesome at what he does :D (Big Grin)