Artist's commentary
Hiroshi Shiibashi's comment
When I was little, I was the kind of kid that would just go to the bookstore and get the latest volume of whichever series I wanted at the moment, not once thinking about starting from volume 1. This is why the first Dragon Ball comic I ever bought was volume 7, the one with the fight against General Blue. I remember wondering for a while about what might have happened in the previous volumes. When I finally managed to get my hands on volume 6, I excitedly thought to myself: “so there were all these super fun battles before, huh?” I really liked the battle with Ninja Murasaki, so I wonder what kind of face that kid that was still in the first year of primary school would have made if he heard that he would one day draw the cover for volume 6, the one that contains that battle…?
Translation provided by Kanzenshuu