Artist's commentary
【High Quality Poster】TOUHOU MIRACLE EUROBEAT VOL.6 cover illustration including WIPs
Is was on September 13th.
Ambasa (the artist) receives a request for an illustration.
It was a request for the jacket of an upcoming CD by someone who sings and writes songs that they listen to all the time.
The deadline was in 12 days. However, refusing the request for the Eurobeat CD jacket that they had dreamed of was not an option.
After accepting the request, they immediately set about fulfilling it.
With deadlines looming, they were not allowed to skip even a single day...
The following is the path to completing that request.
↑ Rough. I decided on the pose with the sole intention of drawing something that would look cool. I was still trying to figure out how to decorate the clothes (;´∀`)
↑ I sense a desire to dress her glamerously...? I tried to draw her in a cool way, but I also still wanted her to look cute, because she is a cute girl.
I was thinking of putting heart danmaku in the background, just like in the games, but to be honest, I wasn't good enough _( _´ω`)_
Is there any way to make it work???
↑ Predicting the CD jacket. I fantasized that it would look like this. (*´ω`*)
The face looks different from before! I'm sure you think it's better. I think so as well. Why did she look like that in the rough... (;´∀`)
I also forgot to add the headphones, which are an important tradition, so I was personally designed them w
↑ Color drafting. I had added more frills to the skirt, but I thought this felt unnecessary, so I decided to remove them later.
↑ More coloring to test out lighting. I tried to make the third eye the focus of the image and to make her face stand out as well.
↑ Color drafting complete. I didn't want to make the background too complex, so I decorated it with hexagons in honor of it being the 6th volume. Oh and rose petals.
↑ Lineart
↑ Combining everything, we have arrived at an almost finished product.
The headphones also were changed from white to more silver-steel like.
It was almost complete, but I think I made some corrections or additions from here.
And then......
↑ Finished!!!!!!!
These are the two high quality versions for the full-length picture and a zoomed in poster.
I think you will see the illustration for the poster at the annual festival.
Everyone, go buy TOUHOU MIRACLE EUROBEAT VOL.6!!!!
I can highly recommend it because it has godlike songs!!!!
I think I made her face too bright (;´・ω・)
I want to improve so I will get another request!!!!!