Artist's commentary
The Hare, the Fox and the Wolf
An old piece from the old account (It's still signed as FOX-POP)
... I still love it and it's pretty much rare that I like an old drawing xD
Who loves the comic Usagi Yojimbo© will love or hate this! No halfways! ;)
This crossover was an attempt on totally changing a context without changing
the characters nature (I drew them with Sakai's style to make this concept even
more evident). Thinking about wild west, I first found a role for each character:
•Usagi as a bounty hunter
Miyamoto Usagi is a ronin (a samurai who lost his lord), helping around just in
exchange of the strict necessary for him to keep himself alive. The counterpart
of a ronin in a Wild West context might be a roaming bounty hunter. Someone
who roams from town to town looking for fugitives to capture for a reward.
•Jei as a bounty killer
Jei is Usagi's nemesis. He's a ronin too, but he's evil to the bone and loves to
kill people indiscriminately. Being similar to Usagi, I automatically saw him as
a roaming bounty killer. Unlike the bounty hunter, the bounty killer actually
kills fugitives for money, instead of capturing them.
•Kitsune as a cheater
In the original comic, Kitsune is one of Usagi's friends... she is a street performer
during the day and a thief during the night (...and day too). In this case I merged
her street performer abilities to her slinky nature. I'd see her perfectly as a saloon
girl who loves to gamble and -first at all- to cheat.
About the cover... I clearly took inspiration from Sergio Leone's movies posters. (if
we talk about wild west movies you can NOT ignore them!!!), in particular from
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and For a few dollars more posters... also, I prefer-
red to change those Technicolor and Techniscope brands on purpose... ;D
If that would have been a real movie, uhh... they'd have got up to all sorts of things!
Well... Enjoy! If you want to leave a constructive critique go ahead! I don't bite! ;D
Pencils, inks, colors and postproduction by me.