Artist's commentary
Touma and Index in Green Mart
Touma and Index in Green Mart. It is a color job of an illustration done by Kiyotaka Haimura-san on the first volume of Toaru Nichijou no Index-san, A request by Stark (user/6602544 »), was done in a staggering 8 days. The reason being is that I had no idea what to put in the background and the fact that this would be the first time I encountered coloring this kind of perspective with little "guidelines" by the artist to help me through.
I tried to make it as accurate to the original hence the reason for the Gangan Joker and Shonen Gangan covers, which were difficult to find in the internet. Other covers of magazine and books here were mostly taken from other Raildex-related books with no regards for accuracy as well as the covers of famous Western novels/books. I had to put something in there.