Artist's commentary
They're Full of Blood
(made by Matsu-sensei)
Here is his Description below (I bolded one part though, the part where he states that it's actually a girl that poked the other):
They may be large and buoyant, but that's because they're mostly made of not-very-dense fat and not air. And how would I know? >.> Let's just say it's speculation.
And while I'm at it, I'd like to bring to your attention that the offender on the right is NOT a man - I was kind of hoping the long hair and skirt would hint towards it being a woman, but it looks like some didn't look. I wanted to keep the sexual innuendo to a minimum by keeping this between between members of the same sex. And for those of you who perked up at that last sentence, I ask that you pick your mind out of the gutter and dispose of it properly in the trash.
So what is this doing in Matt's gallery? One of my excuses could be that I'm afraid the boobature may attract the wrong sort of crowd. So, being the good friend that I am, I let them at Matt.
I was originally planning not to enter this contest, but after Matt was ranting about how Mary was going to be the undisputed champion (with the 1% exception), my competitive ego said, "all right, let's do this!" So there you have it. It was pretty tough, really - even though it's an oppai (there! I said the word!) contest, I wanted to avoid making this a sexy picture.
Ha ha ha. o_o
So I don't know how much of either I've accomplished, but I hope it's not too risqué. Well, coming up with one non-sexual boob-joke was tough enough, so I'll leave it at that.