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Artist's commentary
A New Generation Of Music
A New Generation Of Music
Published: Jun 22, 2014
Just a picture with all 71 of the current VOCALOID, VOCALOID2 and VOCALOID3 mascots. I had been working on this for awhile now (anditdoesnthelpthatanewvocalisannouncedprettymuchmonthly xD) Anywho, i had wanted to make a picture like this but never found the time to do it. Now please understand the models of LEON, LOLA, MIRIAM, Prima, Tonio, VY1, VY2 + CYBER DIVA are all fan-created designs for the voices as they do not have an "official" character mascots. So I just used the more popular character designs for them. I did not include Lui Hibiki or Ring Suzune as no new info has been revealed regarding the production. Can you name them all? :D
Credits: (ohlawdthisislong)
LEON - :icontotodiledash:
LOLA - :iconadan-official:
MIRIAM - :iconorahi-shiro:
MEIKO V3 - :iconhomemasisi: "Masisi"
Sweet Ann (Taiwan) - :iconjomomonogm:
Miku Hatsune V3 - :iconremmaple:
Rin Kagamine - Ula
Len Kagamine - Ula
Prima - Charuko
Gackpo Camui "Gackpoid V4" - Biyo
Luka Megurine V4X - SPS
GUMI "Megpoid V4 (Whisper)" - :iconmamama7028:
SONiKA - :iconjjinomu:
SF-A2 Miki V4 - Kio
Yuki Kaai V4 - Kakomiki
Kiyoteru Hiyama V4 "Rock" - Kakomiki
BIG AL - Orange Box
Tonio - :iconp-chan93:
Lily V3 - Kio (Mic: Kio)
VY1v4 "Mizki" - :iconelenipoo: :iconTehPuroisen:
Ryuto "Gachapoid v3" - Aoi Tatsuike
Iroha Nekomura V4 "Natural" - ISAO
Piko Utatane - :iconmyth-p:
VY2v3 "Yuuma" (Roro) - :iconbennybrutt:
Azuki Masaoka - Kio
Matcha Kobayashi - Kio
Mew - :iconkanahiko-chan:
SeeU - :iconmamama7028:
Rion Tone - :iconpikadude31451:
Oliver - CML
CUL - Kio
Yukari Yuzuki V4 (On) - Kino
Bruno - :icontotodiledash: (Mic: :icon9844:)
Clara - :iconp-chan93: (Mic: :icon9844:)
Lapis Aoki - Kakomiki
Tianyi Luo - YYB
MAYU - Saboten
AVANNA - :iconpikadude31451: + :iconzg-v1:
YUU - Maple Salt
KYO - Maple Salt
WIL - Maple Salt
YOHIOloid :iconpokeluver223: CUBI: :iconpikadude31451:
MAIKA - :iconchibideko:
Merli - Kio (Mic: Kio)
Nana Macne - :iconnanamiwatabe:
Kokone - Renkuu (れんくう)
Anon - ISAO
Kanon - ISAO
Flower V4: Mqdl
Zunko Tohoku - Kakomiki
ONA - :iconvanmak3d:
Galaco NEO - Pulse Maker
Rana - Ginjishi
Chika - :iconpikadude31451: (Mic: :icon9844: Cord: PaperGuitar)
Xin Hua - NIT
Ling Yuezheng - NIT
Lorra Zhanyin - :iconpokeluver223:/:iconpolygoncount:
Ueki-loid - :iconpokeluver223:
Rune Anri - :iconhomemasisi:
CYBER DIVA - :iconpikadude31451:
Sachiko - Kakomiki
DEX: :iconpokeluver223:
DAINA: :iconpokeluver223:
RUBY: :iconvanmak3d:
Kohaku Otori (Unity-chan): Unity Technologies Japan
Longya Yuezheng - :iconamai-kitten:
Moke Zhiyu - Kemilia
Qingxian Mo - FB-C / :iconamai-kitten:
Pose Data Credits:
:iconpokeluver223: :iconraionviper: :iconyukari-yuzuki-love: :iconsweetxlizzy: :iconfantasyxii: :iconmyth-p: :icon2234083174: :iconangel-of-gears: :iconxoriu:
UPDATE 6/27/14:
-Replaced the ONA model with an updated version ;D :iconvanmak3d:
UPDATE 7/14/14:
-Removed ALYS as she is now being developed for the CeVIO software rather than the VOCALOID3 software.
UPDATE 8/1/14:
-Replaced Prize ver. Galaco with Galaco NEO.
-Replaced IA (default) with IA ROCKS
-Added Ling Yuezheng
-Replaced Tianyi's old model with an updated version.
-Adjusted proportions of some models.
UPDATE 8/14/14:
-Replaced the Kokone model with Renkuu's model.
-Adjusted more proportions
UPDATE 8/20/14:
-Replaced Flower's model with her official model (Mqdl)
UPDATE 9/19/14
-Replaced Gachapoid V2 with Gachapoid V3 (model edited by me)
-Added Ueki-loid
UPDATE 9/29/14
-Added Rana (No. 16232)
-Adjusted placements
UPDATE 10/25/14
-Added Chika
-Adjusted placements
UPDATE 11/13/14
-Added Lorra Zhanyin
UPDATE 12/21/14
-Replaced Yuki Kaai V2 with Yuki Kaai V4
-Replaced Yukari Yuzuki V3 with Yukari Yuzuki V4 (On)
-Replaced SF-A2 Miki V2 with SF-A2 Miki V4
-Replaced Kiyoteru Hiyama V2 with Kiyoteru Hiyama V4
-Replaced Luka Megurine V2 with Luka Megurine V4X
-Replaced Galaco NEO with official Galaco NEO model.
UPDATE 2/20/15
-Added Xin Hua
UPDATE 4/12/15
-Added Rune Anri (I understand this is not her VOCALOID design, however this was the only model I could use to represent her.)
UPDATE 4/12/15
-Added Moke Zhiyu, Longya Yuezheng and Qingxian Mo as they have been confirmed to receive VOCALOID Voicebanks
-Changed Xin Hua'model
-Added official models for SF-A2 Miki V4 and Iroha Nekomura V4
-Adjusted placements so that all characters can be seen better
-Changed Luka Megurine V4X model
UPDATE 8/12/15
-Added Sachiko, Dex, Daina and Ruby
UPDATE 8/25/15
-Changed LOLA and MIRIAM's models.
UPDATE 12/25/15
-Added Kohaku Otori (Unity-chan)
-Replaced models for Yuki Kaai V4, Kiyoteru Hiyama V4, Flower V4 and Sachiko with official models
VOCALOIDs I have yet to add as models of them currently do not exist:
Rin/Len Kagamine V4
Image size
2753x1491px 7.24 MB