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Artist's commentary
APH Gender Bender: Denmark
Ever since ~lindseyclark suggested Denmark I couldn't get the image of fem!Denmark out of my head. -__-; And pfft yeah I know she has a mullet. XD Somehow it seemed cooler in my head. :-\ Oh well. Maaan if only Denmark and fem!Denmark to meet up... those axes are going to get swung around everywhere. -__-; Heh. Somehow I can see Norway and fem!Norway just ignoring them and doing something else already... *smirks*
I used so much dark colours in her uniform my eyes are tired now. *rubs eyes* Off to sleep I go! \o *zooms to bed* Whee! So totally off my mind right now. *twirls and twirls* Like I always seem to be.
APH © Himaruya Hidekaz
P.S. Please full-view, it's odd but when it's not on full-view the image is blurry and pixelated then again it's not when you full-view it. @__@ *scratches head*