Artist's commentary
The Gatekeeper EvE Complete
It's finally finished...My baby is up and flying, her crew ready and able so to speak. It's been fun working on it I hope there will be more contests like this cuz I love making starships :D (Big Grin)
It's a shame that we're only allowed 7 views in one image, I wish I could pin some more shots to show some more details like the tiny tech lights in the section cracks and the bridge superstructure etc etc.
SO as you can see it has headlights... probably not that cool but I figured...what the heck, space is dark :) (Smile)
Comparison to a Rokh HERE: [link]
Shaded Orthogonal Views HERE: [link]
Length is 807m(3 Titanics long): [link]
Texture and tech lights test can be found HERE: [link]
A Gatekeeper theme wallpapers found HERE: [link]
AND HERE: [link]
More Shots coming soon....I need a break :D (Big Grin)