Artist's commentary
Gensoukyou Nostalgia
Underneath a piercing blue sky, Yakumo's party walked down an autumnal farm road and watched the ripe crops simultaneously swaying in the wind.
They were just wandering around when... suddenly Chen hid behind Ran. "Ran-sama... what is that...?"
Chen pointed with her finger slightly frightened, and when Ran looked in that direction, she saw that in fact there was something that wiggled and waggled, something that moved in an abnormal, unimaginable way.
"Well, I wonder what it is...," Ran had not seen anything move like that before either.
"Yukari-sama! There is something strange over there, what...!"
Before she could finish her sentence, Yukari looked over and a look of comprehension came over her face and she muttered slowly, "oh, that. It is better not to look at it too much."
When Ran turned once more to look at it, the "wiggle-waggle" had vanished.
How do you feel about a tale of fear on a long fall night? If you do not know the "Kune-kune" then please look it up. It is rather scary.