Artist's commentary
Race to the Stars
Featured on playstarbound.com (different resolutions available there as well)
This was a guest piece I made for the upcoming indie game Starbound, which I am eagerly awaiting (estimated 2013 release). Ahhh, I want to play it!
Since I don't own the lore behind these guys, I won't go much into backstory, but I suppose I could give a brief introduction to each race as they appear in this picture from front to back, with links to their official bio's (if available):
Humans - no information on them. Who are these guys who look just like us and use our name? Is mankind of the future REPLACED by something of their making?? (<- children)
Avians - bird folk. The large one can probably crush an old pear with his bare hands.
Apex - monkey folk. They weren't always like this. But now they are.
Hylotl - underwater people. No information has been released yet. The large one can probably crush an old pear with his bare hands.
Glitch - robots. They were some sort of simulation project that got stuck in the medieval phase.
Florans - murder plants. I suspect the main reason they want to go into space is so they can eat the guys listed above.
I think a dozen characters might be the new record for me to draw in a single illustration, but it was a worthwhile experience and a challenging exercise!
Characters made in Flash
Background drawn in SAI
Starbound © Chucklefish