Artist's commentary
Metru Nui sights - Knowledge Tower XII Terminal
Ko Metru! By night!
In November 2016 I started a Ko Metru MeNsights because i wanted a neat December image.. It turned out to be a disaster process because making sharp shiny buildings is like the opposite of what my messy wobbly painting style works for. I gave up on this image 3 times this year total and tried to forget all about it entirely. Trying to accept failing making an image. This had been weighing me down since December 2016.
.. I gained more confidence throughout 2017 to try some 'Metru'-painting again but realized I was aesthetically on my road back to having an image like this one, so i said "fuck it, lets do it" and dug this up from its grave in late October 2017 near Halloween. I worked on it almost all November 2017, and now, December 2nd 2017, it is finally completed. I can now finally put this behind me..
This will probably catch much less attention than some of my other pieces since its not particularly iconic or with great composition. In fact its lack of Bionicle-ness is one of the reasons i gave up on it back then.. but eh.. I'm just so happy it's done.
This image contains 160 layers and is the #1 biggest PSD file in my folder. It has taken more than a whole year from start to finish, although counting work time alone I've probably spend around 30 to 40 hours.
Ko Metru, to me, is like a huge computer full of big chunky maschine buildings proccessing some sort of science or data. like a huge server room or data center. But very silent. It is the quiet metru because the important stuff is handled delicately inside the buildings. I wanted to illustrate some cozyness to Ko Metru tho. That the matoran have safe and comfy interior in this freezing skyscraper landscape... This image came out much more "loud" than intended but yeah.. struggles are struggles.
Hope you like it!
Intended Mood/ambience: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxjwcA…
Check my Step by Step GIF here: iron6duck.deviantart.com/art/K…