Artist's commentary
Status Update
I've been told that this kind of gremlin Warfarin is really popular, I don't know how popular, but I really love drawing her like this. It feels like you wanna punch her face haha. Thank you for reading my Arknite work, to be honest the previous episode was kinda rushed, yes i rushed it, i'm really sorry 🐧 but that's not the end of it. There will an end talk between Kal and Gramps. I will continue the series when i have some free time to spare, i still have part time work to deal with. Again, thank you for the love and financial support lads, i can't survive with my part time wages only. Thank you, my dear brothers and sisters, for keeping me alive haha.
#an answer to my followers who have been wondering where i came from-
Yes, i'm a Malaysian, i live in Borneo region. An old penguin living in Sabah~ Selamat BerPuasa 🐧 ❤