Artist's commentary
Mega/Primal Palkia
My entry for this contest ^^ pokemon-forever.deviantart.com…
Type: Dragon/Water
Ability: Space Dominion*
Height: 5.6m
Weight: 978kg
Hp: 90-> 90 (-)
At: 120-> 130 (+10)
Df: 100-> 100 (-)
Sp.A: 150-> 200 (+50)
Sp.D: 120-> 135 (+15)
Spe: 100-> 115 (+15)
Tot: 680-> 770 (+90)
New exclusive move: Alteration*
When Palkia mega/primal evolves, it focuses almost the entire power in the black pearl levitating above it. This amazing stone has an unbelievable density, and somebody believes that it can hold the entire cosmos.
*Space Dominion: Mega/Primal Palkia has the 20% chance to avoid the opposite move.
*Alteration: Type: Dragon, catergory: status, Power:- ,PP: 5, -100%, Priority: +3.
Protects the user from all effects of moves that target it during the turn it is used, including damage. If M/P Palkia is attacked during the same turn, Sp.A and Spe. stats double.