Artist's commentary
Who to save, who to not?
From blog post:
Triage is when individuals are divided by the severity of their condition in order to prioritize treatment in cases where there are many injured victims. It originates from physical afflictions, but I was thinking that as we go through life, everyone kind of thinks of who they should save and who they shouldn't when it comes to psychological afflictions too. That's the meaning of the drawing. What's scary in this instance is that those who seem like they're okay might be worse off psychologically than you thought, or the other way around, and it's hard to tell.
I think triage has become much more well-known than in the past, but I figured I should draw in such a way that even those who aren't familiar would get the gist of it, so while slightly embarrassing, I added the text in white. As another detail, I made the outlines dotted in places to convey a sense of fragility. It's a technique I've used now and then in the past as well, but I like how it creates a slightly different final look. Makes me want to use it more if I get a chance to in the future.