Artist's commentary
MJOLNIR Mk.V- An Artistic Rebuttal
Check this out to see where this artwork was put to use: carnage.bungie.org/haloforum/h…
Something I'd worked up earlier this week. Both my friend AngelicLionheart and I are very dissatisfied with the rendition of the MJOLNIR Mk.V that was just introduced into Halo 5's multiplayer. The official game asset can be seen here: www.halopedia.org/images/3/35/…
The classic Mk.V is my personal favorite rendition of the MJOLNIR armor, so that bizarrely off version of it saddened me quite a bit. We wanted to demonstrate that it was possible to do justice to the Mk.V in 343's own style, so that's what I tried to do here (tracing over the official asset render to ensure that the shape and detail of the underlying bodysuit matches up 1:1).
Halo belongs to Microsoft.