I'll take the Commander's seat as the expected star to lead St. Gloriana into the future!!GachaThe time and effort to frequently replace many characters and level them up may be greatly reduced!!Getting D-D-D-D-Dargeeling and all of you to follow commands!?Unit expansionTankeryThe rare costumes have become quite substatial as we celebrate the 5th anniversary huh.I have a proposition!!In other words Rukuriri......The challenge would be to level up equally right~Here!!You have the courage to get us to follow your commands with our rare costumes?Here!!ShopUh huh.Let's expand the units!!
Unit 6 can be done for free!!It's Unit Expansion!!
Ammo RecoveryMenuTank Part Inventory ExpansionAnd the Platoon Leader of this new unit definitely has to be me, Rukuriri!!Experience PointsRukuriri
(The username goes here)Ammunition
(Similar to "stamina" in other games)Motivation RecoveryBuy Tank SoulsRepair Facility ExpansionTank Inventory ExpansionEvent in progress(Sh)opStudent Inventory ExpansionSensha-do Federation Purchasing DepartmentUnion
(Their term for a "Guild" or "Clan")Organization