Artist's commentary
Four Seasons Lined Up
Connected seasons, connected skies. View of the four seasons.
ギャラリーGoFaさまにて、mocha個展2021 『モカブレンド』の開催が決定しました!開催期間は11月20日~12月12日です。新規イラストや入場特典、ドアの缶バッチや特殊印刷のポスターなどのオリジナルグッズと盛りだくさんです。そして開催期間が長い…!緊急事態宣言は出ておりませんが、是非感染対策を万全にして遊びにいらしてください!
Announcement of solo exhibition
We are pleased to announce that mocha solo exhibition 2021 "Mocha Blend" will be held at Gallery GoFa from November 20 (Sat)! There will be new illustrations, entrance privileges, original goods such as door badges and special printed posters, and much more. And the exhibition period is long...! We haven't declared a state of emergency, but please take all possible measures against infection and come and play!
Details → (https://gofa.co.jp)