Artist's commentary
Warrior's Return
The artwork represents a warrior’s return to his hometown. The grass is greener than ever, and the leaves of the cherry blossom trees whisper in the quiet breeze. The distant water glistens as the sun shines upon it, making its way through the dense white clouds. There is serenity in the air, and beauty as far as the eye can witness.
This piece sings of optimism. The mellow themes of the environment really contrast with the battle-weary warrior in the foreground; which gives it a feeling of relief. It’s the first sight of comfort and beauty after days of war and agony.
In some way or the other, we are all warriors and survivors. We fight our way through times of discomfort, grief, and helplessness; and yet we endure and live on to see the light of the day. To see comfort once again, and find solace amidst the chaos.