Artist's commentary
Belated bday gift for myself, because I've earned it ♥️ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
In a different timeline, these 4 together could've been a handful for Prof Oak!
Side note to that, all I got from episode 1 (aside the fact Gou is a small and adorable know-it-all pokemon nerd) is that Prof. Oak can't be trusted with kids lol
Now that it has been established that Gou and Koharu went on a different camp than Ash and Serena, it's also confirmed canon that he's lost sight of his kids at least 3 times during the expeditions (one for Gou and Koharu, one for Ash who just ran away, and one for Serena who got separated from the group and eventually got lost). Gotta consider getting him an assistant or something.
Anyways, REALLY looking forward the new pokemon series ~ !
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F2U BULLET | PKMN Pokeball (v2) Pokemon ® Satoshi Taijiri / Gamefreak / TV Tokyo
Bullet; Pink Art ® NoVaNoah