Hullo, Cafe!
So it's true what they say about you opening up a café inside the Academy!Hello, Tachyon-san.Yes, though it's more like a stall instead...Ah! We serve tea here too.Nah, just for today, I'm going with the coffee that you're so proud of, Cafe-kun.Oh, you will?Sure, not a half bad opportunity anyway to try out the taste of coffee.Ah, do you have syrup? I'm still not good with bitter stuff, so...Yep. It's right over there.Maaaan! Anyhow, that drug I've developed the other day has quite the kick...Next time I'll just give you some tea.
Eh?! Why!? Did I do something wrong??
I've already tested it out on Trainer-kun, so... Cafe-kun, could you mumble mumble...