Artist's commentary
Goodbye my friend.
Rest in peace Miura-san
Prints available:
free fully layered PSD available on my patreon, i thought this is the least i could do for the berserk community, i've been honored to be part of it for many years and it helped me alot both personally and artistically ❤️ .
Thank you for the amazing inspiration and tremendous art that you made longer than i existed in this world.
Thank you for teaching us in your work to not give up and keep going and pushing forward no matter how hard the struggle is.
I have a printed panel framed in top of my monitor to remind me not to give up and it always helped me going in my darkest days.
you've changed the world, you made art that changed the industry and set the par so high and inspired us so much
you changed me and your work and message saved my life and gave me a purpose to make art and keep going.
Rest and peace and thank you for everything ❤️