pat patYou think?C-Cute enough to want to make you my daughter!Recently there have been rumors going around that you are engaging in illicit relationships with the umamusume girls!pat pat
So please! Be cognizant of your actions and don't do anything strange that could be taken the wrong way!
Huh? I thought what I'm doing is normal though...
Looking as cute as always!
Ahh! It's the Trainer!
Ohhh! Teio!
Am I really, really that cute?
Cute enough to want me as your girlfriend?
● Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Original Japanese idiom uses "...tiger and wolf".
That is exactly what I was talking about! Do you not understand?!
You want Teio as your daughter...?
You... cur!
Ah... haha, yes, you're cute!That means you want to... do that with me... right?really mind...♡
What's with that response!?
I don't...
The Umapyoi Cops(?) soon arrived to deal with him.