Artist's commentary
Keep it business as usual on the timeline
Keep it business as usual on the timeline
From blog post:
During last year's declared state of emergency, I think everyone thought about what kinds of tweets they should or shouldn't make. I too ended up only being able to come up with ideas for Corona-related drawings, but I felt unsure about that so I pushed myself to come up with ideas as usual. And now here we are at the second state of emergency declaration, and everyone is imposing this restriction of "I have to keep things as usual on the timeline" on themselves, which I also think has its own dangers. So that's the drawing. I wish it would have come across as more of a tightrope walk, but making the timeline too narrow would've made it hard to figure out what it was, so that ended up being a kind of point of compromise.
I may sound as though I understand everything, but as for how a hobby artist is supposed to act under these circumstances, I don't have an answer yet either. "I can draw something as usual, but the world around me can't enjoy it as usual, so isn't it a waste to put it out right now?" is are the sort of thing I think about since I don't really understand what's going on around me. Even what that "normal" is might be distorted in our subconscious, so I really have no idea what's what anymore. Don't think too much, draw good art. Let's just focus on that.
■ "Things I wanted to do" series
This time I used anime coloring, wanted to increase the amount of information a bit, and as a test I added outlines to the shading.
Personally, I think it turned out kind of nice. I don't think I'll use this very often, but if I get more chances from now on, it'll be something to try, right?