Artist's commentary
28 City Kid
The strange smell woke up the strange pokemon. He looked around, and pointed at the Sobble Brothers.
"It's you guys! You ate some of that prickly fruit, right? You'd better take a swim to wash off the stink."
The visitor's name was Scorbunny, "Scorch" for short, and he came from a "city" even further south than the lake.
"The city? Drizz and Doc Oranguru say there's lots of nice places there, and all kinds of different pokemon and 'people,' too!"
Raggedy couldn't wait to hear more.
"That's right! And I'm a bona fide, super-stylish city boy!☆"
The Sobble Brothers had a great time learning all about life in the city.
Scorch even showed them the dance he did when he "scored a goal" in a game that was popular there.
The city sounded like a very exciting place.