I don't want to hear that from a snooty stuck-up stick-up-your-ass Model High!Goodness me... this is why you battle-obsessed Models Dark have a certain reputation.Father...Father...
41st Year of the Hylian Era
Excessive military buildup is unwarranted, and invites misunderstanding. It is also against the wishes of our Fath— Lord Founder, who desired rapprochement with our neighboring realms.
Curia of the Holy Elfroid Hylodom
"Central Holy (Govermental) Agency", but phrased like the Vatican's Roman Curia (lit. "assembly", "court"), so I'm borrowing that term.
I'm telling you!
While Fath— the Lord Founder lies infirm in bed, this is precisely when we need to increase our military might!Well, we can all agree on our concern for our Fath— Lord Founder.First we need to tighten security measures at our bord—Even the Lady Model Elder is by His side, after all.