Artist's commentary
Cave Story is a freeware game developed by a single dude and it's pretty cool. It's about a mute robot with a gun who shoots things in a cave. If that doesn't make you pee excitedly and immediately want to play this game, I don't know what will. Download links available here: [link]
Anyhow, I kind of had trouble making this one. First I couldn't think of what to have them do. Originally it was just going to be Quote (left robot) shooting a patch of grass on the floor in a cave, but that was just too ambitious of a project for me at this time, so I opted to have him sit with Curly Brace (right robot) on Balrog (bottom dude. Not a robot, I think). That was kind of cute, so I added some toast because Balrog's design reminded me of a toaster. It says "Huzzah." hahaha
Curly Brace gave me the most trouble and I had to draw her three times because her pose was all wrong and weird and her arms came out too short and it was difficult to have her rest on her hands while holding a gun. I settled for this in the end, and I guess it looks okay. I originally wanted her to accidentally discharge her firearm, too, but like Quote shooting grass, it was beyond my skills.
I kind of wish I had done this in pure vector, without line art. Oh well.
Made in Flash
Cave Story & Characters © "Daisuke "Pixel AMAYA