Artist's commentary
Fuko Star
^(I don't know what that is. He won't go away no matter how many times I edit this description, so just ignore him.)
Kagami (center): "Give it back."
Konata (left): "Kagamin, take it easy~"
This time I'm crossing two of KyoAni's more recent projects: Lucky Star and Clannad. February is winding down, so I did not include as many characters as I did in my last deviation.
Oh, and in case you cannot tell where they are, they are on a filming set where they are trying to film Lucky Star's eyecatch.
Anyhow, coloring these three was fun, and so was drawing Fuko's hair. It has been quite an educational experience trying to reproduce the characters' designs.
EDIT: Oh yeah, you can't see it, but Fuko is sitting on a crate. That is why she seems so high off the ground.
Made in Flash
Lucky Star © Kagami Yoshimizu
Clannad © Key
(what IS this thing??)