Artist's commentary
Superman VS Goku
My superman and goku pics are some of the most popular on my gallery, and there are legions of fans all over the internet discussing about this issue, this is for all the people who comments and favs my work.
Wanted to give it a try and make a superman/goku pic where you really could recognize supes and the sayajiin as they look in the series and comics...so that both of them would look official :P (Lick)
Don´t know if I did it but I sure tried...
Before some of you guys freaks out about this let me clarify that neither of them is winning here...in fact you can say that they are just sparring...haha!
Follow me on Instagram: www.instagram.com/miguelmendon…
For Colorists:
For those of you who wants to give it a try at coloring this you can find the lines here mikemaluk.deviantart.com/art/s…
Oh look, the comic pages!!:mikemaluk.deviantart.com/art/G…
my Comics blog: miguelmendoncacomics.blogspot.…
Twitter: twitter.com/mikemaluk
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