"Hyuuuuston".Ahh... this how they tease new foreign ships now?Not gonna lie, so is mine!What is this girl saying...?Window of opportunity to play along slams shut.
The Sound of Falling
Detouring in the direction of spoilersJust kidding, just kidding!! Think about it.I'm sure there's some scenario we can't even imagine where that sound pops up.But I heard onomatopoeia continues to develop in Japan.For real!?YelpEnthralledJumpFilming backdropMogahmi!!Yoo, Houston!! Forget the sound talk, let's become friends!!Bam!There was no "hou" or "ston".WobbleCrash!Real Ameri-kan Houston and Johnston Edition-stonAdmiral,begins.I'll play along!Hey, Johnston, did you know"Joooooohnston"? What's the "John" part?that in Japan my name is the sound of falling?SmileWhen something falls, does it really go "houston"?