Artist's commentary
timeline of the kanto trio is done babey!! ive always wanted to do this
i kinda wrote a lot of explanation here, its under the cut if ur interested in that
(warning very headcanon heavy dont take certain timeline incosistencies and all that fuckery too seriously im just having fun)
1. he has a much kinder and gentler approach to everything compared to the much rowdier kids green and blue who are already saying bad BAD words like stinker. this lil man does not look exactly threatening given that… until indigo league.
2. whoa its the legendary hero red himself can you believe it!!!!!!! who is also now an extremely confused fifteen year old constantly screaming internally. after his “little” mountain trip hes hit hard with teenager problems he didnt deal with there and the realization that green is actually kinda cute and cool now, also friendly?? he still manages to battle really good but also oh god help him
3. sadly he had to say goodbye to green again since hes going to study. during green’s absence red is dedicated to getting STRONK with blue… mostly because that means hes gonna be so good at hugging. oh also he finally has a social media account now: default profile picture, never posts and the description just says “Red”. he does like blue and green’s talkative selfie posts all the time though.
4. husband shaped!!! he and green have settled down to a much more peaceful place and so red is living a much more down to earth life after so many travels and taking down evil organizations, but he can be often found in hiking trails when his husband is working. a pretty damn good climber too, still making it hard for baby trainers to approach him. he finds it a bit amusing that people think of him as oooooo mysterious bc still to this day he just thinks of himself as a huge fan of pokémon and green’s loving husband. i still cant figure out his hair.
1. snooty wisecracker as we all know. hes like 1cm taller than red which definitely means hes MUCH more mature!!
2. took his grandpa’s role of guiding new trainers in pasio. absolute powerhouse and everyone thinks he is so unbelievably cool absolutely nothing can stop this man nor his complex battle strategy. he is so COOL and TOUGH he bawled like a baby when blue announced red would be coming with her to pasio.
3. studying in kalos. he keeps contact with red all the time though through video chatting and the pkmn world equivalent of social media. with red he can dump as much information on new happenings as he wants and its causing his mind to wander. sure the kalos dudes are attractive, but…
4. proud husband and a dad of a few dumbass kids (theyre pikachu and eevee + the many other pokemon. give him some time when it comes to HUMAN kids…) and still working as a gym leader. pretty mundane adult stuff? well who knows when blue discovers godlike pokémon once again and decides to drag them to another adventure. for now, the newlyweds are happy just chilling.
1. rowdy little creature in a cave somewhere in cerulean city.
2. the one to convince red to come to pasio, also seems supportive of red’s gucci choices in fashion. shes matured somewhat and taken the role of being somewhat of a mentor to the johto kids, in her own eccentric way.
3. green’s substitute gym leader during his time in kalos. she has much more trickster tendencies than green and may outsmart you in a battle. some trainers love her for this and want her to stay, some on the other hand don’t. and yeah her looong hair is just a giant orb when it’s up.
4. while red and green are busy paying their taxes or something, she is still on the roads to even further regions. you never know when you might bump into her. blue maintains a heroic and adventurous personality to the very end and never stays in one place, something red and green, along with the johto kids, really admire about her.