Artist's commentary
Aqua's Type Meme: Bummer edition
I don't normally do memes, but when I do, I put ridiculous amounts of effort into it. MIMITWplz
This is the Favorite Type Meme created by aquamizuko, with her version being available right here. Since I wanted to seize the opportunity and double this as a personal art challenge, I re-arranged the boxes so that everyone got more room. Here's the complete list:
Bug: Galvantula
Dark: Tyranitar
Dragon: Garchomp
Electric: Lanturn
Fighting: Heracross
Fire: Magcargo
Flying: Drifblim
Ghost: Golurk
Grass: Parasect
Ground: Quagsire
Ice: Abomasnow
Normal: Noctowl
Poison: Beedrill
Psychic: Lunatone
Rock: Relicanth
Steel: Steelix
Water: Cloyster
My favorite type is Bug. All-time favorite is Magcargo, followed by Cloyster and then Heracross. Remember to press download to the right if you want to see a slightly bigger version. The original on my computer is 16 times larger, so that should give you an idea of what dimensions I work with, ahahaha.
If the masses demands it, I can upload all of them in XL size separately along with my reasons for picking them in the author comment. Didn't do that here because that would make one enormous block of text.
Edit: And so they did. Links to the separate images added.
Speaking of blocks, this comment is long enough already. Time to bash the submit button!