...Like that♪High School Tsundere Battle Maid, 17-Year-Old Alien Clumsy Girl Maid, and Unfulfilled Otaku Assassin Maid ready to serve!The dialogue and character are both so cliched, though~Leave it to Hina-san to play a maniac!Preparing for an eventWelcome home, Master♪ Please enjoy Hina's special pancakes♪That's perfect for the role of a maid♪But hey, since we're all here, might as well create our own 'types' of maid, right?For example, I'll be... A maid fighting to protect her master... Like thatAh, that's a cool idea-♪Then, Nana will be... A girl who's clumsy, but she's a maid with super powers... How's that♪Very nice! A character with hidden powersFor my niche... A maid who's normally calm, but is actually an assassin... Or something!Right now, there are as many maids as there are stars in the sky...So no... Assassin Maid... She's not moe...It might've been a little too maniacal~When you add your own spin on it, you get some originality! It becomes moe!Alright! Then! For today's event-Producer-san says, 'A little more cliched moe, please'Even though she was my top favorite...