archived source
A post which uses an archived version of its original source.
For sourcing purposes, it is generally recommended to leave the now-defunct link as the source, rather than the archived link itself, as to avoid hotlinking complications and putting unnecessary traffic strain on the archival websites. Feel free to mention the use of an archived link in the post's comments, though this isn't strictly necessary.
Do not use this tag to indicate that a source has been archived on an archival website, nor as a substitute for Bad ID; and do not use this tag as an excuse to change defunct sources to archived sources. None of these are what this tag is for. Only use Bad ID in conjunction with this tag if the archived source listed in the source field is also dead.
General archival websites
- Wayback Machine: source:** / source:** / source:*/* / source:**
- source:** / source:** / source:** (standard) / source:** / source:** / source:** / source:**
- Ghost Archive: source:**
4chan archival websites
- 4archive: source:*4archive* (includes both first and second 4archive)
- 4plebs: source:*4plebs*
- 4scrape: source:*4scrape* / source:**
- source:**
- Archive of Sins: source:*archiveofsins*
- B4K: source:**
- Desuarchive: source:*desuarchive* / source:*desu*.xyz* / source:*desustorage* (defunct)
- source:**
- source:** / source:**
- SUPTG: source:*thisisnotatrueending*
- Warosu: source:**
- defunct: source:** / source:** / source:*chanarchive* / source:** / source:** / source:** / source:** / source:** / source:** / source:**
2chan/Futaba archival websites
- Futafuta: source:**
- Futaba Forest: source:*futabaforest*
- Kemoren: source:**
- source:**
- source:**
- Tsumanne: source:**
- defunct: source:*futalog* / source:*futabalog* / source:**
Other archival websites
- Arhivach ( source:*arhivach*
- Geoarchive ( source:**
- Web Gyotaku ( source:**