Artist's commentary
Me 262T
Me 262T "Graf Zeppelin" ship-borne aircraft.
I made a chimera of the C-1a and C-2b, added an arrester hook, stewed together this and that, and finished it. The world of Kancolle already has a Kikka, so surely its progenitor can come too...!
It's be great together with Zeppelin Zwei, wouldn't it? How's that, Hyuuga? Huh? No, you're not getting a jet Zuiun.
It was also in Admiral's Decision 3, wasn't it.
The Messerschmit Me 262C Heimatschützer was a series of prototypes of the famed jet fighter, using liquid-fuel rockets to augment the jet propulsion. The Me 262 C-1a Heimatschützer I featured a single Walter HWK 109-509 rocket in its tail, while the C-2b Heimatschützer II contained a BMW 109-718 rocket atop each of its jet engines. The fictional "Me 262T" depicted here appears to be a navalized combination of the two, with all three rocket engines and carrier arrester gear to boot.
Notably, photographs of the Me 262 served as the basis for the Nakajima Kikka, hence the "progenitor" remark.
Admiral's Decision III was a Japanese strategy game based on an alternate history of WWII. In it, the Me 262 appears as a ship-borne fighter, although such a design was never on the cards in real life.