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Animated BAKA for CIRNO DAY!! 9.9.2014
⑨⑨⑨⑨BAKA FOREVER!!!⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨
Great Cirno day for everyone!
What else to upload than our favorite baka on such a fine day like this. And not just an ordinary baka at that, but animated too!
So yeah, as you some already saw my hypnotic boob animation test, I got into animating a little. So I took the challenge and animated Cirno. Total of 5 frames (0,09 second each btw!) and ~12 hours spent to create this one. I really wanted to try whether my understanding is sufficient for animating some actual movement, so I chose a running action. To spice up things, I wanted to throw in all manner of random things, like panties.
The legs were the hardest of all. I started with them because I thought that once I get them in smooth loop, the rest would come less painfully. And that truly was the case. I kept adding parts when I finally had rough version of done, then I refined everything and added colors and shadows.
I'm truly happy with how this came out. I guess 5 frames might be too few for smooth animating for the legs and skirt, but the rest looks pretty awesome, considering that this is basically my first "heavy" animation. This was extremely practical exercise for me to get familiar about animating and the process.
Frames drawn in Paint Tool SAI
Animated in Adobe Photoshop CS4