This is potato starch.It is starch powder taken from the root of the erythronium japonicum of the family liliaceae. These days, the amount produced has increased and it is made from potatoes, but its name was kept the same. Its main use is as a cooking ingredient, but if you follow these instructions, you can also make a joke item.1: Pour potato starch and water into a bowl and mix.
2: Pour hot sugar water in and mix again.
3: Heat on a electric stove until it becomes clear.
4: Once clear, remove it and push a stick through the middle of it.
5: Cool it in a refrigerator until it hardens.
6: Remove the stick and you're done.Materials:
Potato starch, water, sugarReally...I'll give you this, Lebe. Use it when you want to rub one out.I'm not going to use it!? I mean, I can't use it, I don't need it!?Eh!? Ah... Uh, thanks.