Artist's commentary
[C] 'MY' Style: Piranha Plant in MARIOKART!
Bullet; Yellow [2019] MASTERMISSION for JJSponge120
♦ Featuring: Bullet; Yellow
[YELLOW] FULLY COLORED artwork - JJSponge120 (Piranha Plant MARIOKART Version!)
yellow fabric border b 3 yellow fabric border b 3 yellow fabric border b 3
If the Plant's already playable in Smash Bros., then I wouldn't be at all surprised if they made it an actual racer too in a future MarioKart game of these days.
Fittingly, I'd imagine it racing in a flower pot with wheels. I also gave it a proper kart emblem (which could also function as a headlight if you think about it!)
Yes, I already know they're currently a power-up item in Mario Kart 8/Deluxe (Though, I'd much rather have Petey Piranha come back from MK Double Dash!)
All the thanks to JJSponge120 for their generous contribution! Hope you like! Sign Emoji-03 (Thumbs up)
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