WARSPITE!?You don't say?I see!Japan, huh...
Japanese food is something that I like too.Yeah.and even one plate is expensive...Here in London, conveyor-belt sushi is pretty popular.Hmmm...
When compared to Japan's kaitenzushi, it's... yeah...It's tasty.JAPAN'S KAITENZUSHI IS THE TASTIER ONE!WHARGH!But eh, it's pretty normal.NO!So? How's English-made sushi?Convey... ah! Kaitenzushi?100 TIMES OVER!Hey there!Congratulations on your discharge from hospital, Ark Royal.I'm the Japanese ship, Zuikaku.
I've come to pick you up as the representative of the "Seikikubo no Kai".Saykee Coo-boe no Kai...?Oh, much obliged!Why don't we take a little look-see?Resupplying with Sushi
Quote from "Born in Red Black", a story in the novel "Ninja Slayer: Neo-Saitama in Flames 1"