Artist's commentary
A very sad story
*Please don't re-upload this picture on tumblr/fb/other social network, I'm quite annoyed to see this old artwork of mine posted around with no permission or link. I'm happy that you like this picture, keep doing it: watch and don't touch, thanks*Music: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEgk3l… (for add much more sadness)
I think that there isn't a story more sad in pokèmon games than this. Poor cubone, he lost his mother ;_; (this pic remember me the dead of Mufasa)
Edit: I'm really sorry to get sad most of the deviants that remember this sad chapter of the pokemon history so well but i'm glad to see how, despite the cubone' story is getting old, the people keep the memory alive in their hearts, it's very touching.
pkmn(c) nintendo