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Artist's commentary
【Touhou Fanimation】A Scarlet Christmas FUSION
Caution! Improper use of (Dragon Ball) Fusion Technique may yield unpredictably convenient results!
I made it!... only 365 days delayed! ...TERRIBLY sorry about that, but I'm honestly glad I did. With all the crazy stuff that happened over the past year and how I was attempting to rush it all out.
I'll do a side-by-side comparison of whatever I have left from last year, on G+ later.
Though honestly, I should stop announcing/apologizing for missing an animation like that... it wasn't really "scheduled" and it's been on my "want to do"-list since 2014, so... yea, tough luck on my part, that I just couldn't find the time to finish for 2017.
I suppose it was stress, with all the things going on; In my head, I was thinking everyone was 'waiting', anticipating and looking forward to it, even though I hadn't made any big announcements for it.
It was a very worn out Daniel, who sleepless into early Dec. 24 (2017) tried to force the result. Now, I took my sweet time and it shows, AS it should!
Even the result changed. It was meant to be a silly, cute and childish style, kind of like the "Odekake Flan" story, with wobbling, fuzzy line art, low frame-rate and all. Would've been cute, but I like to try and flesh them out more. They ARE test/practice animations, still!
A lot of people didn't get the memo, last year. I was saving it for Christmas 2018!
I wasn't in a Christmas mood immediately after... Can't blame me. However, it's been greatly enhanced, now with viewers and Touhou enthusiasts even pitching in, with some quick voice work, which made me really happy that I waited, instead of rushing it out with poor graphics and yukkuri voices (I tried. It didn't fit. Like that old Touhou video "Flandre's Moe Strategy" where the yukkuri voices hits you like a truck, on the first view).
A 'Big Thank You' to the Touhoppai group for the voice work contribution!
Merry Christmas everyone! ⓛ⩊ⓛ ノ