A rocking chair?!
You can make it?!Wha? Darling, you're not a ninja...?You liar!All of us Scandinavians can make furniture!That's like all Japanese people being ninjas, isn't it!Should I make one, then?H-Hpmf.Got, the do-it-yourselfer日曜大工 - lit. "Sunday Carpenter"Huh?She's a purist.Can't hear a word.Let's go cut a tree.I can do stuff like DIY too...Heheh...
Ol' Got here is the real deal, you know?We start with how to select your wood, and-Not that I can actually knit, mind.Sitting in a rocking chair and knitting is something I could really get behind, yeah?Darling, being into that is way too grannytastic, isn't it?