Artist's commentary
Riza Hawkeye | FMA
since this is my first post since tumblr’s recent announcement to shoot itself in the foot, i’ll throw in my two cents.
obviously, my NSFW account is going dark. please check out this post if you’d like to see where to follow me for NSFW stuff moving forward.
i’m going to continue using this account at the mercy of tumblr’s automated morality police.
if you are planning on leaving tumblr, you can keep up with me here:
thanks so much for all your support. i hope tumblr realizes their mistake, but to reach their current level of delusion and complete lack of respect for what made tumblr what it is, they’re probably long past the point of saving.
in any case, me being here or not makes no difference to them, but i’ve considered this place my social media “home” for a long time and i’m exhausted at the mere thought of abandoning it and starting all over somewhere else.