Artist's commentary
[HDN] CPU Candidate Noire
A take on a younger version of Noire. I admittedly wasn't sure what direction to take this in before it occurred to me that she probably would've been into magical girl anime and I just went and figured out how she would've looked based on that. >w>
I think some bits of dialogue here require a bit of context, so allow me to paste the excerpt they took inspiration from:
*Years after Umbriel's death, Sonya took it upon herself to have a hand in raising Nepgear, something which was motivated not only by her past relationship with Umbriel, but also because the young CPU appeared to be just as bright and promising as her mother, perhaps even more so. This unfortunately complicated Sonya's own relationship with Noire, as she couldn't help but feel that Nepgear had become her mother's favorite. Not wanting to be outdone, Noire becomes determined to do her best not just to win her mother's approval, but also to prove to herself that she could be a great CPU without much help.