Torpedo Squadrons are the true blossoms of the navy!In gun and torpedo battles,The age of All the Akizuki-class, which were designed as close anti-air escorts for carriers, are "Type-B".All of the Kagerou- and Yuugumo-class are fleet destroyers and were designated "Type-A" in their plans.
But the next age is one of ultrahigh speed!There was also,airpower!!Remember, these four designations are not a ranking of the destroyers, okay? Well, just remember them like your ABCs.Shimakaze-san, who is fundamentally a fleet destroyer but served as a prototype for ultrahigh speed, was a "Type-C".
Her class was also meant to carry an unprecedented number of torpedoes.toward the end of the war, a Type-D that specialized as anti-air and anti-submarine fleet escorts.
Matsu-class destroyers.