Artist's commentary
Housewives Horror
Man, Kosaku would have been really embarrased if that had happened. If you try to explain your secret stash to your wife, you better have a good excuse ready for that. Did he like hands in general or did they have to be women's hands?
I've always felt sorry for Shinobu. Just when she thought her life was getting better, she ended up having to live the rest of her life in uncertainty. She wasn't perfect, but she felt realistic, with thought appropriate for her situation. Plus she could be really cute when she wanted to.
This cover is inspired by those horror comics from the 40s and 50s, but it isn't based on any particular cover. So yeah, this one is 100% original. There might be something similar out there, but I didn'care to look for it. I want to have more original content from now on, so I hope you like this, entering the next year.