Artist's commentary
Gyarados mating season
New Exuse me the update, but I feel like this should be shared for those who began wondering about pokemon breeding. Link to geek discussion [those are published online, they can be commonly viewed and there is nothing wrong to put link to them]: comments.deviantart.com/1/1710…
I belive I also had an interesting discusion about Slowbro co-evolution with Shellder, but I don't remeber with who, where and where I had it./New
Speedpainting: ~~2 hours.
comments.deviantart.com/5/4451… [I couldn't ressist the idea]
No, it does not need mature filter D:<
If anybody has problem with fish laying an egg, then you have twisted mind not me.
Female Gyarados is laying eggs while far away males are fighting to see which will fertilize the eggs.
Pokemon breeding is quite weird thing to think about. I have my teories about that and they definitely does not contains penis or vagina. As female passes spieces characteristic I guess males adds some kind of "vital energy" thanks to which eggs can be fertilized and new pokemon can hatch.
I drew here quite nice Magikarps but in my vision they would look like mass of plazma/cells (maybe something similar to Ditto?) that need to be fertilized to begin "embriogenesis".
But I assumed that this would look weird for casual person so I drew Magikarps like that.
Mindblow note: try to imagine hatching real life Ponyta; A damn horse (even without fire (newborn doesn't have fire)) from a damn egg! 0o0
There will be speedpainting video on YT and process on Tumblr.
[Also: FFFFFFFF, wrong number of segments!]