The 7thDes's black soybeans are the the osechi's number one dish!
How many times do you think we changed out the sweetened water?!
Osechi is a New Year's feast filled with various foods meant to bring in various kinds of good luck for the new year. Black soybeans are meant to bring luck with health to be able to work hard.Mm-hm.
It tastes great.What are you on about?!
The osechi's number 1 is the 6thDes's candied chestnut paste!These are meant to bring luck with money because of their golden color.*Shiny*Both of your team's contributions are quite delicious.How many kilos of chestnuts do you think we strained?!How can you even declare that if you haven't had any?!Neither have you!The 7thDes's special black soybeans aren't like just any black soybeans!
HERE! Say 'ahhh'!*Clack!*This candied chestnut paste is a 6thDes secret handed down through the generations!
Here, jam your pie hole with it!
They gave us lots of candied chestnut paste. Isn't that great?We'll call it a draw!*slurp*